Yo, what’s the cloud?
Tech circles have been implementing cloud technology since the early 2000s.
But the cloud doesn’t exist. At least, not how you think.
It works the same way companies have been running their company networks (the computers connected to run apps).
The difference is where the location of the servers (larger scale computers).

Why the cloud exists
As technology advanced, large companies realized they could offer their servers to other companies.
Then charge for their services.
These large companies provide service cheaper and faster than smaller companies can for themselves. It ends up being a win for both sides. The large company can pay for their technology and the small company gets better tech for a cheaper price.
The 3 different cloud types
The 3 cloud types. Public, private, and hybrid.
Public cloud is available for anyone to use. The biggest public cloud providers are Google, Amazon, and Microsoft. Maintenance is the responsibility of the provider of this version.
Private clouds are set up for a company to use internally. This type of cloud is located at a company-owned or rented property. The maintenance is the responsibility of the company. In most cases, it’s only available to the company owning it.
Hybrid cloud connects private and public clouds. This allows a company to have its services spread across multiple locations. This type works great in case of a failure or disaster.
Why use a cloud service
There are many uses for these services. Companies use these services to save money or in case of disaster. You likely use them for your email, documents, and file backups.
Software services
This is the type of cloud you’ll be familiar with.
They’re called SaaS (software as a service) providers. They provide their software as a service to the customer. SAAS allows you to store your information on their servers or use their apps from the internet.
When your files are in the cloud, those files are on someone else’s server. This doesn’t mean some random person, but the company whose app you trust.
Google Docs, Gmail, Dropbox, Microsoft Office 365, Substack, and Notion are all SaaS products.
Infrastructure services
This is called IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).
IaaS enables a company to set up infrastructure (servers networked together). This is a benefit because the company doesn’t have to purchase expensive equipment or pay someone to maintain all of it.
This infrastructure takes knowledge to set up but fewer people to maintain. Another benefit is a whole network of servers is set up in minutes instead of months. Company websites, email, and even apps can be set up using IaaS.
What does this mean for me?
The cloud gives anyone access to needed resources to take their ideas to market quicker.
You, the consumer, will have more of your problems solved using technology.
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